Home -> Engineering Colleges In Rajasthan -> Anand International College Of Engineering

Anand International College of Engineering as a fast growing technical college has made remarkable progress towards excellence. In a short span of six year the college has distinguished itself as an eminent technological study centre. Such a notable achievement has been possible because of the clear vision of the management to make a positive contribution in the field of quality based technical education.

The college imparts requisite skills for technical competency and practical exposureto its students.  Creative thinking along with social and ethical valuesare encouraged and nurtured in its students.Thus the ethos created here is of great significance. Various opportunities for intellectual and professional growth are provided to students for all round development through activities like industrial visits, seminars, special talks, literary, cultural and sports activities. Technical, managerial and communication skills are taught in a regular time table setting. Students gain the advantage of learning from senior resource pool of faculty and staff. Many opportunities for undergoing Training from foreign universities are also provided to the students during their graduation.

Near Kanota, Agra Road, Jaipur.

Phone:  9928755552, 9928755553

Fax: 01429- 234994