Home -> National Law Universities In Gujarat -> Indubhai Parekh School Of Architecture

The region of Saurashtra and Kacchh is considered to be a rich repository of Cultural and Historical inheritance that has managed to survive the vicissitudes of time. It is recognized, yet today, as one of the living traditions with people of Diverse communities ranging from nomadic tribes to city-dwellers and Cultural expressions ranging from property to architecture. The land, though tough and harsh in nature, has not only allowed people to settle, giving them food and shelter, but has given life and opportunity to blossom as an individual and collectively as a society. Thus, playing an important role in the process of weaving the very fabric of our Indian Civilization.

 Indubhai Parekh School of Architecture builds its foundations on such an inheritance allowing the building to deal with contemporary issues of Identity, Housing and Habitat more sensitively.

Opp. The Village Motel,
Kalawad Road,
Gujarat 360005
Phone:0281 278 3700