Home -> National Law Universities In Maharashtra -> Dr Ambedkar College Of Law

    To spread knowledge through higher education among the socially and economically down-trodden sections of the society.
    To give education in such manner to promote intellectual, moral and social democracy. This is what wanted in modern India as envisioned by  the founder of this Institution and the Great Son of India Bharat Ratna Bodhisativa   Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.
    To give oppressed masses through education. A New Vision of Dignity, Self-Respect, Self-Reliance and Self-Dignity.
    To spread high values like Pradnya and Karuna i.e. knowledge and compassion in ones life through education.
    To integrate the latest technological and other resources in the process of imparting education.

Opp. Wadala BEST Depot,
Tilak Road Extension,
Maharashtra 400031
Phone:022 2418 2958