Home -> National Law Universities In Tamil Nadu -> Dr Umayal Ramanathan College For Women

Dr. Umayal Ramanathan College for Women, situated at Karaikudi, is a premiere institution of women’s education in Sivagangai district of Tamil Nadu. The college was founded in 2006 by Dr. Mrs. Umayal Ramanathan, daughter of well known Dr. R M Alagappa Chettiar, who founded the famous Alagappa University. Managed by Dr Alagappa Chettiar Educational Trust, Dr. Umayal Ramanathan College for Women is affiliated to Alagappa University. The college offers a wide spectrum of undergraduate and post graduate programmes in Arts, Science, and Commerce faculties

Dr. Umayal Ramanathan College for Women
Karaikudi Sivaganga - 630 003,
 Tamil Nadu Phone: +91-4565-227861
Email: info@umayalwomenscollege.co.in
Website: http://www.umayalwomenscollege.co.in -
 See more at: http://www.highereducationinindia.com/institutes/dr-umayal-ramanathan-college-for-women-7959.php#sthash.bwZhVMdu.dpuf