Home -> National Law Universities In Uttar Pradesh -> Teerthanker Mahaveer College Of Law And Legal Studies

About College of Law & Legal Studies

Teerthanker Mahaveer College of Law and Legal Studies, established in 2010, attracts bright young men and women who aspire to meaningfully contribute to the legal profession. The nation needs competent practitioners of law, ensuring the public access to justice. The College of Law and Legal Studies offers multifaceted legal education programs that include: B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), B.B.A. LL.B. (Hons.), B.Com LL.B. (Hons.), and Ph.D. programs for the research scholars.

For in-depth research, college facilities include a Learning Resource Centre, a well-stocked library, and e-library facilities for journals and articles in digital form. The faculty encourages students to have spirited discussions and debates in classrooms, common rooms, and moot court. Students become conversant with the complexities of law at the Legal Aid Clinic, and a Social Consultancy Centre. The college, in a short span of time since inception, has become a recognized name in legal education. At the College of Law and Legal
Studies, a career-based approach is adopted that delivers client-focused lawyers eager to make a mark in litigation, judicial services, teaching, research, and social advocacy.

Since the law, more than any other profession, is about building and nurturing trust, students are inspired to practice high ethical and moral ideals to meet professional responsibilities. The college emphasizes on learning through application and practice and provides opportunities to study law through practical exposure. Students are encouraged to learn skills essential for the legal profession – legal communications, effective negotiations, litigation strategies, mediation, conciliation procedures and processes, and global legal best

The comprehensive internship program at the College covers the whole range of legal services – civil practices, social advocacy, corporate law, traditional dispute resolution mechanisms, and modern alternative dispute resolution systems. The college is dedicated to contributing to the profession of law in an evolving local and global environment

Moradabad-Delhi Road,
Uttar Pradesh 244001
Phone:0591 247 6843