• The aim of C.C.SHETH COLLEGE OF COMMERCE is to provide an atmosphere to the students to develop themselves mentally, physically, aesthetically, socially and spiritually so that they can contribute their best to the society with integrity, honesty and tolerance
• Goals and objectives of the institution
A. To prepare Commerce Graduates competent to contribute effectively to the needs
of the world of Trade and commerce.
B. To culture the qualities of large-heartedness & open-mindedness during the
teaching- learning process.
C. To motivate awareness to the importance of LEARNING to up-grade receptivity.
D. To offer free and fearless young Graduates to the society.
Status of the institution
• Financial Category of the College : Grant In Aid
• Type of College : Affiliated with Gujarat Uni. Ahmedabad
• Date of Establishment of College : 15-06-1968
• Date of UGC Recognition : 27-09-1980 (Under 2f and 12B) F21/80 (CP)
• Location of College : Urban
Opp.Gujarat Vidhyapith,
Ashram Rd,
Gujarat 380014
Phone: 079 2754 2761