M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management is located in Bangalore, the capital city of Karnataka. The institute was founded in 1995 by Gokula Education Foundation. Affiliated to Bangalore University, the management institute has got the recognition and approval of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi.
M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management conducts courses with the aim of preparing young aspirants to emerge as competent professionals in the corporate world. The institute conducts courses strictly as per the guidelines of AICTE. M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management offers postgraduate diploma course - Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM).
M.S. Ramaiah Institute of Management
M.S.Ramaiah Nagar,
Bangalore - 560 054,
Phone: +91-80-2360 8769, 2360 6909
Fax: +91-80-23601947
Email: admissions@msrim.org
Website: http://www.msrim.org - See more at: http://www.highereducationinindia.com/institutes/m-s-ramaiah-institute-of-management-994.php#sthash.jJWv3jPm.dpuf