Karnataka Law Societys (KLS) Institute of Management Education and Research came into existence in 1991. It is managed and run by Karnataka Law Society. The educational institute, which is located in Belgaum (Karnataka), is affiliated to Karnatak University, Dharwad. Karnataka Law Society’s Institute of Management Education and Research is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
KLS Institute of Management Education and Research is recognized by the Government of Karnataka.
The institute imparts management programme at the postgraduate level - Master of Business Administration (MBA), a two-year full time programme. In a sprawling campus, KLS Institute of Management Education and Research has all the modern facilities for its students.
Karnataka Law Societys Institute of Management Education and Research
Sy. No. 77,
Adams Nagar, Hindwadi,
Belgaum - 590 011,
Phone: +91-831-2405511
Fax: +91-831-2481745
Email: director@klsimer.edu
Website: http://www.klsimer.edu - See more at: http://www.highereducationinindia.com/institutes/karnataka-law-societys-institute-of-2685.php#sthash.OHK87Uz6.dpuf