Asian School of Business, located at Thiruvanathapuram (Kerala) is among the leading institutions for management studies in the area. The college is affiliated to the University of Kerala. Asian School of Business is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi. The institute currently offers Post Graduate Diploma in Business Management (PGDBM). The curriculum has been developed in such a way that the students would be able to gain both practical and theoretical knowledge.
Asian School of Business provides its students all the newest and modernized facilities within its campus. The responsibility of managing the college rests upon the shoulders of a Board of Directors. The institute is rapidly becoming cosmopolitan, as more and more students from other states of the country as well as overseas is enrolling, over the passing years
Asian School of Business
Asian School of Business
Thiruvananthapuram - 695 581,
Phone: +91-471-6579001, 6579002
Fax: +91-471-2700247 -