Heritage Institute of Technology, located in Kolkata (West Bengal), was established by Kalyan Bharti Trust in 2001. The college is considered one of the leading engineering colleges in eastern part of India. It is affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology and has gained the approval of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi and the Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal. Currently, Heritage Institute of Technology offers quality technical education at the undergraduate as well as postgraduate levels. -
Heritage Institute of Technology
Chowbaga Road,
P O East Kolkata Township
Kolkata - 700 107,
West Bengal
Phone: +91-33-24430454/56/57
Fax: +91-33-24430455
Email: admin@heritageit.edu
Website: http://www.heritageit.edu - See more at: http://www.highereducationinindia.com/institutes/heritage-institute-of-technology-1443.php#sthash.ItPtUzW3.dpuf