Rai Bahadur Jodhamal
Kuthiala, a great philanthropist was instrumental in starting a TB
Sanatorium at Tanda which was inaugurated on 21st May 1958 by Dr.
Rajendra Prasad, the then President of India. It was self contained
complex having all the facilities for patients and the serving doctors
and was spread over in 47 acres of land.
The Govt. of Himachal Pradesh decided to open a second Medical College
in northern part of the Pradesh and Tanda being the most suitable place
in thickly populated district of the State with available land adequate
for future expansion was selected. The foundation stone was laid by the Honble
Chief Minister Sh. Virbhadra Singh on 23rd Oct. 1996. After the
initial teething problems, the MCI approval was obtained and the first
batch of 50 students was admitted in 1999. Since then 10 batches have
been admitted and already 5 batches have graduated from this
The Institution has grown very fast. A number of state of the art
buildings have come up viz.a 500 hundred bedded modern hospital and a
fantastic, well equipped with gadgets 700 hundred seating capacity
auditorium both of which were dedicated to the public by the then
Chief Minister Prof. P. K. Dhumal on 3rd Oct. 2008. In addition there
are four independent hostel buildings a fully air conditioned central
library, a spacious para-clinical block, a lecture theaters complex and
more than 200 hundred residential units. Another block for housing
Anatomy Department, additional lecture theaters and more than 50
residential quarters are in various stages of completion. Latest
sophisticated equipments like 1.5 Tesla MRI, 16 slice CT Scan,
Chemiluminiscence micro assay instrument, fully automatic blood
chemistry analysers are available and functional apart from several
routine use investigative instruments.
Post Graduate course in Internal Medicine, Dermatology and Obstetric and
Gynecology has started this year and process to start PG courses in
other specialties is on. A process to completely computerize the
Institution has been started with the collaboration of NIT Hamirpur. The
process is already on to build a stadium and a swimming pool.
As a tribute to the unfortunate demise of one of our beloved student Mr.
Aman Satya Kachroo, the College has taken a pledge to make this
institution a Zero Ragging Campus and a role model of Rest of India.
The rules and regulation in this regard have been drafted and
implemented and can be seen in the link provided.
Tanda Hospital Rd,
Himachal Pradesh 176001
Phone: 0189 226 7115