Home -> Medical Colleges In Jammu And Kashmir -> Government Medical College Srinagar
Government Medical College (GMC), Srinagar, one of the oldest medical colleges in North India and first one in the Jammu and Kashmir (J and K) State is currently in its 54th year of birth. It has a leading role in contributing major portion of healthcare manpower to the J and K State.
Brief about GMC
GovernmentMedical College (GMC), Srinagar, one of the oldest medical colleges in NorthIndia and first one in the Jammu & Kashmir(J & K) State is currently inits 54th year of birth. It has a leading role in contributing major portion ofhealthcare manpower to the J& K State.
Govt Medical College Srinagar (GMC)
Karan Nagar,
Jammu and Kashmir 190010