About Us
Organizational Chart
Duties and Responsibilities
Bylaw ( pdf )
Hassan Institute of Medical College, Hassan will seek to be a center of excellence in Medical Education, Research, and HealthCare services at the national and international level.
The institute in pursuit of its vision will provide outstanding educational experience, in all the disciplines of Medicine and allied Health Sciences, in a supportive environment of scholarship, research, integrity, critical thinking and self directed learning. It will provide comprehensive, culturally sensitive, community oriented Health care to individuals and families.
The vision and mission of the institute will be accomplished using the values of congeniality, openness, inclusiveness and community involvement at a local and global level.
Organizational Chart
Duties and Responsibilities
Chief Administrative Officer
Financial Advisor/Accounts Officer
Medical Superintendent
Head Of The Department / Professor
Professor * (Existing) / Associate. Professor As Amended C & R Rules
Assistant Professor
Lecturer (Existing) / Senior Resident/ Tutor (Amended)
Resident Medical Officer
Surgeons: Administrative Officer
Senior Specialist/Specialist/G.D.M.O
Assistant Administrative Officer (Gazetted)
Chief Pharmacist
Graduate Pharmacist
Staff Nurse
Kitchen Staff
Nuns On Contract Basis With Consolidated Pay
General Management Strategies
1. The Dean cum Director is the overall in charge of BMCRI and four attached teaching hospitals.
He is the academic, administrative, and finance head of the Institute.
He exercises powers delegated to him as per the byelaws of the Institute.
He may delegate any of the powers to the CAO or the Medical Superintendents of the attached hospitals or the Accounts officers as the case may be for smooth and harmonies functions of the Institute.
Setting up the high standard of Professional conduct.
Planning and administering rules and regulations to maintain efficient services as per byelaws, rules and regulations of the institute.
Implementing recommendations and regulations that are issued from time to time by the Medical Council of India, Governing Council, Finance Committee of the Institute and other regulatory bodies.
Interpreting rules and regulations to the subordinate teaching and non-teaching staff.
Regular visit to various departments and maintenance of strict discipline.
Regular supervision of all the academic and administrative aspects of the Institute.
Procuring of equipments to various departments and attached hospitals within the delegation of powers.
Giving necessary reports to higher authorities.
Issuing instructions to the Medical Superintendent for solving any problems.
Promotion of good relation between all categories of staff.
Organization of educational programmes, refresher courses, symposia, guest lecture and CME to staff members and postgraduates and undergraduates.
Investigation of complaints and maintaining of those records.
Attention to the complaints and welfare of medical students.
Counseling and guidance for individual staff members.
Regular staff meeting for solving individual and group problems.
Recruitment to Teaching/Non-Teaching staff as per the byelaws, Rules and Regulations.
Conducting of DPCs for promotion of teaching staff.
Preparation of Gradation list of Teaching Staff.
Maintenance of Annual Performance Reports as per the State Rules.
Co-ordination of academic activities like, exams, curriculum with the universities.
Conducting meetings of Governing Council, Finance Committee, Academic Council, Selection Committee, Purchase Committee and other committees.
Affiliation work with RGUHS University, MCI and Government.
Implementation of National health programmes.
Conduct of U.G and P.G. exams in the capacity of Chief Superintendent.
Maintenance of U.G / P.G. Hostels (To take action for proper action for maintenance of U.G / P.G. Hostels).
Purchase of Equipments, Drugs, Chemicals, Furnitures, Hospital Necessities, Diet, Books and Journals to the library and all other such materials required by the Institute and by the Teaching Hospitals.
Sanction of all kinds of leave to the staff and making in charge arrangements as per the powers delegated.
Depute members of the academic staff and other staff to any place outside the Institute but within India for the work of the Institute or for any other specified purpose if the period does not exceed 3 months.
Institute disciplinary proceedings in respect of both teaching and non teaching staff as per the provisions of Karnataka Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules 1957.
Maintenance of Annual property returns of all the employees of the Institute and teaching hospitals as per State Rules.
Supervision and Maintenance of College Statistics.
Supervision and Maintenance of Service Registers of the Teaching and non-teaching staff.
Supervision and Maintenance of Building in co-ordination with PWD staff.
Financial responsibility.
Effective utility of money allotted by Govt. in the form of Grant in aid.
Any other work entrusted by the Chairman of the Governing Council, Principal Secretary to the Govt., Medical Education.
Work as professor and HOD.
Ethical Committee Member Secretary.
Preparation and periodic review of course curriculum.
Formulation of short term and long term plans for growth and development of the institution.
Co-ordination with other institutions for networking.
The Dean cum Director shall present the Annual Report to the Governing Council before 30th June every year on the working of the Institute along with the balance sheet of the accounts duly audited showing the income and expenditure of the Institute.
The Dean cum Director shall regulate and operate the budget received by Government in the form of grant in aid and allocate funds as approved by the governing council.
The drawal of funds from the bank shall be on presentation of claims by the Dean cum Director and Financial advisor.
Chief Administrative Officer
CAO will be under the control of Director-cum-Dean and look after the administrative work and will function under the guidance of Dean cum Director.
He will make arrangement for smooth conducting of various committees of the Institute.
He will be an entire charge of ministerial establishment including class IV employees attached to the Institute and he is responsible for proper working of the administration of the Institute and attached hospitals.
He shall perform all such duties and powers delegated to him by the Dean cum Director as may be necessary for smooth and harmonies functions of the Institute.
He is responsible for looking after the conditions of service of all the employees currently on role in BMCRI on deputation or absorption.
He shall prepare and maintain a gradation list in respect of each of the categories and shall update and publish the same every year.
He is responsible for upkeep and proper maintenance of records of the institute and the attached hospitals.
He responsible for proper maintenance of service register, leave accounts, annual property report and annual performance report of all the staff coming under the control of the institute and hospitals.
Preparation of agendas, notes, proceedings of the meetings.
He shall look after court matters, Right to Information Act, matters relating to Human Rights, labour problems, outsourcing problems etc.
He shall perform any other duties entrusted to him by the issue of specific orders from the Director-cum-Dean.
Financial Advisor/Accounts Officer
The Financial Advisor would be under the control of Director-cum-Dean of the Institute.
He will assist the Director-cum-Dean in all financial matters.
He will be solely responsible for maintenance of accounts relating to cash transactions, ie. Cash books, permanent advance register, contingent register etc.
He is the disbursing officer and clear the pay bills and other bills of establishment of the Institute, attached hospitals, teaching/non-teaching staff, nursing & Group D.
He is responsible for preparation of Annual Budget estimates to be placed before to the Finance Committee and Governing Council for approval as per the byelaws of the Institute and the hospitals.
He is attached with the duties of tendering process for supply of equipments, Furnitures, diet, drugs, chemicals, HNS etc. of the Institute and Hospitals and its submission to the Director for acceptance or otherwise.
He is responsible for getting the contract agreement executed by the contractor in favour of the Institute.
He will advise the Dean cum Director on all matters concerning audit and accounts. He will be responsible to the Dean cum Director for the accuracy and completeness of the account of the institute and attached hospitals in accordance with byelaws of the Institute.
He will prepare separate annual statement of accounts in respect of funds received from sources other than Government.
He shall be responsible for the custody of cash and valuable documents such as cheques book, security deposit, agreements, contracts, fixed deposit receipts, government security, cash book etc.
He is the joint signatory for all negotiable instruments of the Institute and attached hospitals along with Dean cum Director and Accounts Officer.
He will exercise and check according to the purchase and financial rules on all purchases made in the institute and attached hospitals and arrange payment of bills after the scrutiny and proper accounting in the stock register.
Setting up the high standard of professional conduct.
Planning and administering rules and regulations to maintain efficient Medical services of the hospital.
Implementation of recommendations and regulations that are issued from time to time by the BMCRI or other regulatory authorities.
Regular supervisory rounds of all hospital wards and departments and premises and maintenance of clean atmosphere.
Indenting for necessary equipments and purchase of Drugs, equipments.
Official correspondence for hospital administration.
Arrangement of duty roster for casualty Medical Officers, nurse and group D officials in consultation with RMO / Matron.
Promotion of good relations between all categories of staff and public.
Enforcing strict discipline in the subordinate teaching and non teaching staff.
Maintenance of attendance registers.
Investigations of complaints and reports.
Ensuring adequate supply of essential drugs by purchase within delegation of powers and sending indent of drugs to Director cum Dean, BMCRI.
Supervision and Maintenance of service registers of non-teaching staff members (NGO).
Supervision and Maintenance of building with the help of PWD staff.
Sanction of all types of leave to non-teaching staff members of the hospital and CL of teaching staff and maintenance of their records.
Supervising the Nursing staff in providing proper care.
Arranging inter-departmental meetings to sort out any problems.
Supervision and Maintenance of Statistics.
Any other works entrusted by Director cum Dean, BMCRI and any other regulatory higher authorities.
Professors / HODs work.
Administration pertaining to maintenance and conduct of school of Nursing examination, Nursing students welfare and control and regulation of BSc, MSc, Nursing students postings to hospital in co-ordination with Director cum Dean.
Responsible for hospital biomedical waste management as per the Government orders issued from time to time.
In addition to duties of his post he has to do the following duties as HOD:
Setting up high standard of professional conduct in the department
Planning the teaching schedule in consultation with other staff in the department.
Planning practical training to U.G and P.G. along with ward assignment.
Planning clinical teaching programmes / with Intra and Inter departmental co-ordination.
Organization of Seminars, Panel Discussions, Symposia, debates, journal clubs and other learning activities.
Display of Circulars and Educational materials in Notice Boards.
Carrying out teaching work with assistance from members of staff.
Conduct of Internal Assessment /Tests / Compilation of marks and dispatch to Principal / University.
Guidance to students in methods of study and use of reference books and library.
Guiding P.G’s and their Dissertation Work.
Taking part in college council meeting.
Conduct of U.G / P.G. Exams
Supervise Admission and discharge of patients.
Supervise Out patient work
Supervision of maintenance of ward cleanliness, patients records. X-Ray and other documents.
Action for Up keeping and timely repairs of equipments.
Action for Indent for drugs, surgical supplies and equipments necessary for the department.
Supervise and Maintenance of stock Registers and inventories.
Co-ordinating and facilitating work of their staff members.
Investigation of complaints and suitable remedial measures.
Formulation of short term and long term plans for growth and developments of the department.
Any other work entrusted by superintendent, Director cum Dean.
Supervise Compilation and maintenance of statistics of department.
Submission of C.R. of sub-ordinate teaching and non teaching staff to higher officer.
Sanction of CL to sub ordinate staff.
Official correspondence.
Supervision of pre-operative operation and post-operative care of the patients.
Establishment and maintenance of departmental library / Museum and Seminar room.
Maintenance of Movement register of the dept. staff.
In addition to the duties enumerated above he is responsible for assigning special work related to his department as he feels fit to his sub-ordinates.
Deputing Teaching Staff as per protocol during VIP and VVIP visits.
OPD Attendance: On these days working will be from 9 am to 9 am next day.
Duty to be assigned to his sub-ordinates to perform emergence surgery, In case Asst. Professor wants opinion of Chief, he should be available for 2nd opinion and also in case of difficult surgery if need arise to takes over the surgical procedure. On operation day he is responsible to keep sub-ordinate to be on duty of smooth functioning of the Department.
Blood Bank
To take needed action to renew license regularly.
To arrange voluntary blood donation camps
To maintain records as per drugs and cosmetics act as per instructions of drug
To issue compatible blood observing norms of drug
Clinical Subjects:
1. Running the special clinics on the whole.
Setting up of high, standard of professional conduct in the unit / department.
Taking active participation in the preparation of course contents, teaching schedule of U.G and P.G. Teaching both bedside and diadatic lecture classes for U.G. & P.G.
Coordinating the unit activities.
Attending Seminars, Panel Discussions, Symposia, Debates, Journal Clubs and other learning activities of the department / College.
Carrying out teaching work with assistance from members of staff.
Conduct of Internal assessment tests and compilation and dispatch of marks list to principal / University.
Guiding the P.Gs in their Dissertation.
Conducting U.G / P.G. Exams
Out patient work.
Admission and discharge of patients.
Supervision of pre-operative, operations and post operative care of the patients.
Supervision of maintenance of ward cleanliness.
Supervision of maintenance of patients records / X-Ray and other documents.
Any other work entrusted by HOD / Supdt. / Principal / Director / University.
To ensure department discipline, decorum and conduct and patient service.
Hands on teaching of cases of Academic interest.
To conduct clinical and epidemiological work and to present paper at conferences and chairing sessions (of national and International) conferences.
It is mandatory that one shall not refuse any work related to examination of University / Government / National Board without any valid reason.
In case of emergency / any other official work, professional services should be made available for 24 hours even on holiday as it is essential service.
OPD Attendance: On these days working will be from 9 am to 9 am next day. Duty to be assigned to his subordinates to perform emergence surgery. In case Asst. Professor wants opinion of Chief, he should be available for 2nd opinion and also in case of difficult surgery if need arise to take over the surgical procedure. On operation day he is responsible to keep subordinate to be on duty for smooth functioning of the Department.
To attend VIP & VVIP’s as per protocol as and when required
He shall ensure smooth and successful completion of the assigned official work entrusted to him by the unit head both regarding the teaching work as well as patient care.
He should be available in the hospital premises during duty hours and as assigned by unit chief on OP / OT days.
Shall consult his seniors whenever he feels necessary in the interest of the patient.
Take part in teaching programmes of the department.
Helping the post-graduates in preparation of Discretion and seminar / journal club as assigned by HOD / Unit chief.
Carrying out the IPD /OPD work.
Assisting the Unit Chief in Examination work.
Any other work entrusted by the Unit Chief / HOD / Superintendent / Principal / University in the interest of teaching / administration / examination / patients service in the interest of public / patient / student / department.
To carry out Research work in co-ordination with HOD / Unit Chief.
To Support and guide students in their curricular and extra curricular activities, maintenance of the department and other subordinate staff.
To participate in Seminars, Conferences of State national and International Level to present papers or to participate.
Promptly carryout the examination duties as assigned by superiors / university and if not complied, considered as dereliction of duty.
On OPD day duty is from 9am to 9am next day. When posted for duty he should be available in the premises for consultation, examination and to surgery in case of emergency. On operation day he should do duty as assigned by unit chief. On VVIP duties there should not be any complaints from any of them in discharging duties. Leave should not be applied on the days on which they have teaching schedule.
In case of emergency or any other official work his services should be available for 24 hours on any day including holidays as this is essential service.
Attending VIP & VVIPs as per protocol as and when required.
He shall ensure smooth and successful completion of all assignments entrusted to him by the Unit head both regarding teaching work and patient care.
He should be available in the hospital premises all the 24 hours on his assigned O.P. duty days.
Shall consult his seniors whenever deemed fit.
Take active part in teaching programmers of the department both P.G. and U.G.
Helping the post Graduates in preparation of dissertation as directed by the unit chief / HOD.
Carrying out IPD / OPD work.
Assisting the unit chief in conducting internal assessment for U.G.
Assisting the unit chief in conducting university examination work.
Any other departmental work entrusted by the unit chief / HOD / Principal / University.
To carry out research work as directed by unit chief and to present papers at Regional National and International Conference.
To support an guide students in their curricular and extra curricular activities and maintenance of the department and subordinate staff.
Promptly carryout examination duties as assigned by superiors/university and if not complied considered as dereliction of duty.
OPD day working will be from 9 AM to 9 AM next day. Lecturer on duty should remain in the premises during working hours and available for consultation, examination of patients in emergency and surgery. Relaxation of this should be viewed seriously. On O.T. days he should help other doctors in completing list and any complication that arise, duty as assigned by unit chief.
In discharging VVIP duties there should not be any complaint.
Leave should not be applied on the days on which he has teaching schedules.
Resident (Specialist-which are existing in the departments of Medicine, OBst.& gynaecology, Radiology, Anaesthesia, Pathology, Paediatrics etc)
He should reside in hospital premises where ever designated quarters are provided. He will look after the problems arising with regard to functioning of the hospital.
He is in charge of main stores and looks after distribution of drugs to the sub stores and departments.
He is the indenting officer for drugs and chemicals. He regulates postings for specialist, Sr.Specialists, General Duty Medical Officers. To casualty Pharmacists and nursing staff & group d in concurrence with medical superintendent/ and nursing superintendent/ Matron in charge of group D.
He attends to legal matters concerned with treatment of patients and issue of copies of documents concerned with treatment of patients.
He is member of purchase committee of the concerned Hospital.
He arranges postings of specialist prof and other teaching staff for VVIP visit as per protocol.
Periodic visit to kitchen to ensure food is prepared under hygienic condition and proper distribution of food to patients is done.
Each surgeon will look after the functioning of OPD Casualty or other areas of posting.
He is overall supervisor of concerned area of posting.
Any problem between non-teaching staff, patient and general public should be sorted out by him. All non-teaching staff/ nursing staff, Group D of concerned area comes under his control. He should listen to grievances of these people and solve them. Their leave letter should be channeled through him. In addition he should carryout any work assigned by RMO/ superintendents.
These categories of doctors mainly man the casualty and attends to emergencies to give medical aid in emergency. To deal withal Medico-legal and accident cases. To maintain accident register in proper order to keep good information of cases.
To issue wound certificates and other Medico-Legal certificates. To assist courts when summons served to give evidences in accident and medico legal cases.
The assistant Administrative Officer of the institute will be under the control of Chief Administrative officer and the Administrative Officer of the of hospitals will be under the control of superintendents of the teaching Hospitals of BMCRI. He will be in exclusive charge of non technical organization of the administration of the institution.
He will assist the head of the institution in all administrative and financial matter.
He will be in entire charge of ministerial establishment including class IV employees attached to the office and kitchen and responsible for proper working of the non-technical branch of the administration.
He will be solely responsible for the maintenance of all the accounts, relating to cash transactions viz., cash books, permanent advance register, contingent register etc.,
He is disbursing officer and draws AC bills. DC bills of the office establishment and pay bill of establishment, ministerial, nursing and group D officials.
He is responsible for proper accounting and maintenance of registers relating to diet accounts. He is also responsible for preparation of indents of diets, placing indents on the contractors, proper drawal of articles and proper and correct distribution. He will be in complete control of kitchen section of the hospital.
He will exercise and check according to purchase and financial rules an all purchases made in the hospital or college and arrange payment of bills after the scrutiny and proper accounting in the stock registers.
He is responsible for upkeep and proper maintenance records of the institution he is attached to.
He is responsible for preparation of annual budgets pertaining to the institution.
He is the drawing and disbursing officer for the subordinate of the institution to which he is attached. He is responsible for proper accounting of all sums drawn from treasury.
He is charged with the duties of inviting tenders for annual supplies, diets etc., and its submission to the Head of the department for acceptance or otherwise.
He is responsible for getting the contract agreements executed by the contractors in favour of government.
He will under emergence authority of the superintendent or principal correspond with the office of the Head of the department on matters of routine and non-technical nature.
Proper maintenance of service registers of all staff under his control.
He shall directly work under the control of Medical Superintendent/Director Cum Dean, BMCRI.
He shall be head of the department of hospital pharmacy, which comprises (a) manufacturing section (b) Dispensing section (c) Quality control section (d) control section and central sterilization section of hospital.
He shall ensure quality and quantity of drugs of hospital, storage condition of drugs manufactured in the hospital as well as purchased from outside obviating the scarcity and financial loss.
He shall collect information on all drugs and pharmaceuticals used in he hospital and new products in the market and operating a drug information centre for the benefit of medical & para medical staff.
He shall conduct periodical meetings of all pharmacists to keep them informed of the latest development in the technology of drugs and their clinical utility.
He shall be liaison between pharmacy and medical and paramedical staff in the hospital.
He shall be advising the matters of planning pertaining to pharmacy to the head of the institution.
He shall prepare and submit project reports for manufacture viz., of various pharmaceutical preparations like I.V. Fluids, Capsules, ointments, oral liquids and diagnostic agents used in the hospital.
He shall be in overall charge of training of students, pharmacist under educational regulations of the pharmacy act and teach pharmacy to students of pharmacy and nursing.
He shall participate and adhere to the safety programme of the hospital.
He shall prepare and submit the annual progress report of the department of hospital pharmacy.
He shall maintain attendance of all staff (Viz. pharmacists, ministerial staff & class IV staff working in the department of hospital pharmacy)
He shall prepare and submit “Production cost “of each preparation manufactured in the hospital.
He shall countersign the daily records of manufacturing and quality control.
He shall do any other duties assigned tin him suitable to his post and qualification by the head of the institution.
He shall send drugs periodically for quality testing as per drug controllers instructions needed action in case.
He will work directly under the control of chief Pharmacist.
He will be in charge of manufacturing of fluid section in the hospital.
He will be in charge of quality control of drug section of the hospital.
He shall be responsible for the manufacture of sterile parenteral preparations like I.V. drugs and fluids which may be taken up from time to time.
He shall be responsible for the quality control and analysis of drugs, chemicals manufactured in the hospital as well as procured from outside.
He shall supervise the working of central sterilization section of the hospital.
He shall supervise the working of dispensing section of the hospital.
He shall impart training to students, pharmacists.
He shall maintain the manufacturing premises as per the standard laid down in the drugs and cosmetic act and rules made there under.
He shall maintain manufacturing records and registers as laid down in the drugs and cosmetic act and rules made there under.
He shall maintain stock of raw materials and finished product in the hospital pharmacy.
He shall maintain the stock of chemicals reagents required for the quality control analysis.
He shall prepare and submit monthly progress report and annual report of the section concerned.
He shall prepare and submit Production cost of each preparation manufactured in the hospital.
He shall participate and adhere to the safety programmes of the hospital.
He shall do any other duties assigned to him suitable to his qualification and post by the chief pharmacist/head of the hospital.
Should get acquainted with work of various branches.
Should possess knowledge of all duties to be performed in the department.
Should be punctual in their duties and report ½ an hour early to the department, should leave the department only after closing.
Should be kind and soft spoken and have patience while conversing with patients/subordinates.
To assist and help in various teaching and hospital duties irrespective of holidays.
Responsible for overall cleanliness and hygiene of the department and undertake regular rounds of the department and labs, O.T. etc.,
Responsible for supervision of Linen and proper sterilization and proper disposal of waste.
Sterilization: should ensure that proper sterilization and aseptic techniques are followed assist staff members at chair side. While treating the patient by providing proper instruments, materials, etc.,
To assist the teaching staff i.e. Lecturers and Asst.Prof.
Maintaining the statistics and accounts in the department.
Taking stock of the material and instrument, timely maintenance and supply to the students and staff while working.
Keep stock of various medicines. Emergency drugs in the department and maintaining it.
Patient counseling.
Assigns duties to the sub-ordinates.
Delegates responsibility with authority.
Supervises the safety and comfort of a patient.
Staff nurse posted in the department of Oral Surgery will have additional duties of Minor O.T., which involves fumigation pre and post operative preparation and care of patient, Autoclaving of instruments, and all other clinical ward OT duty as assigned by the in charge of department.
Staff nurses should also participate in camps and other Oral Health Programmes when ever they are posted.
Apart from above said duty, staff nurse should carry out official duty entrusted by the HOD.
Food supervisor (SDC), Nuns, dietician are responsible to receive diet articles and other articles from the suppliers as per the indent received from the office and the food Supervisors will maintain the accounts.
Daily receipt and issue is to be attested by the nursing supdt. Gr.I and she is wholly responsible for proper maintenance of accounts and in overall supervision of kitchen work and distribution of food to patients.
Cooked food sample is to be certified by the Resident Medical Officer every day as is being done.
Daily indent of diet tickets is to be prepared by the caseworker s in the office and should be signed by the office superintendent every day and to be sent to kitchen for further needful. In the absence of office superintendent the Internal Auditor will sign the indent.
The caseworkers while preparing bills relating to kitchen should get the stock certificate duly recorded on the bill by the nursing supdt.GR.I,I/c. of kitchen. Before passing he should verify the same with reference to daily indent and diet roll should record the same on the bill duly attested by the internal auditor.
The administrative surgeon.I/c. of kitchen will visit kitchen and supervise at least twice in a day.
The nuns responsible jointly severally for arrangements and maintenance of cleanliness in the kitchen utensils including the oven etc.,
They shall supervise the cleaning of rice, dhal etc., and should see that stones and other materials are separated from the rice, dhal etc. (broken rice, husks, stones, paddy, block soils works etc) before putting the same for cooking.
Vegetables received from the supplier should be examined cleaned and should given for cutting and put for preparation.
While preparing any food articles they should see that cleanliness is maintained. No pilferage, adulteration of diet articles are done.
No outsiders should be allowed during the working hours in the kitchen.
They should accompany the diet distributors while distributing the diet in the wards and see that all the patients have received the cooked food as per the duty allotted to them.
That no room should be given for non co-operation between themselves while discharging their duties.
Any other work assigned to them pertaining to the kitchen preparation and distribution of food articles of the hospital.
Regular departmental meeting should be convened separately for teaching and non-teaching staff. Head of department should appraise each staff members duties and responsibilities as per duty manual.
Feed back must be sought and discussion should be healthy and amicable.
Alternative arrangements should be made so that work should not suffer when a member is on leave/not available.
Management Group of Activities needed for planning:
To have calendar of events for teaching, clinical, practical, bedside etc. Theory classes.
To preplan as Head of Department with Professors by periodic meeting.
To plan the activities for the academic year as per university and Medical Council of India recommendations.
To execute/ Implement by assigning responsibilities on the teaching team mates.
Administrative activities:
To progress with Team Spirit.
To build up punctuality in attendance, involvement in work.
To have stock of things and review for purchase service.
To fix responsibility of officer, sub-ordinate staff in administration.
Speedy disposal of files for priorities of Tappals.
To carry out planned and surprise visits to various sections to find fact -and improve upon.
Academic activities including continuous improvement:
Inter Department teaching programmes.
Fix responsibilities on the teaching staff and essential task.
To conduct weekly seminars for post graduates other doctors of the institution like journal club, clinical seminars, mortality reviews, X-ray reviews, arranging monthly guest lectures.
7. Financial Planning and Accounts:
To discuss with all sub-ordinate staff like surgeons, Laboratory personnel, radiologist, matronetc etc. to decide about needs and necessities of various sections.
To plan and submit a budget to higher authorities well in advance.
To save water, electricity, etc.,
To arrange more economical transport.
To raise revenue in accordance with Govt. rule.
For Co-Ordinating with University/MCI and other agencies:
To select teachers who have zeal to work.
To plan and execute in accordance with the requirement.
To keep a separate section to maintain correspondence, to review letters and communicates.
To carry out regular recording, reporting and reviewing the activities.
To approach such other agencies who can helps in upliftment of institutions.
Methods to appraise the teachers and others to make aware of their duties and responsibilities:
To encourage the junior teaching staff to take clinics and lectures.
To make post graduates and junior teachers to attend lectures given by senior teachers.
To discuss their job and responsibilities & their performance as frequently as possible.
To have feed back of the performance of subordinates and to discuss with them to provide repeated opportunities to improve upon their performance and their assigned responsibilities.
Personal Discussions improve once performance rather than issuing Memos
Know the fact and never find the fault with others.
Every Head of Department should be Mini superintendent for this department and answerable to all problems of his department.
Bio-Medical Waste Management should be a joint responsibility of Medical Superintendent, RMO+ Nursing Superintendent Grade-I as they are stationed internal administrations, they should be answerable.
Regular supervising of all, attending the needs and necessities and inspection of department along with the concerned Head of Department and Carryout, Co-operate and suggest for improvement.
Ask to maintain the teaching dairies of all the teachers and then scrutinize it for corrective measures. Through Head of department satisfactorily implement Medical Council of India and University recommendations.
Development of concept of Accountability different Categories:
Promotion of work culture and Work without supervision by role modeling.
Reward the best performance.
Inculcate a sense of pride and belonging.
Share the credit with everyone in the team.
Make colleagues accept responsibility for their behavior and action.
Give respect to every members of the Unit/Department.
Make work more interesting.
Throw a challenge now and then.
Sri Chamarajendra Hospital Campus,
Karnataka 573201
Phone: 081722 31699