In year 1946 on 23rd June, B. J. Medical College was founded to replace erstwhile B. J. Medical School, with Shri. B. G. Kher the head of the Bombay Government, laying the foundation stone. This was the fulfilment of the vision of a far sighted Parsi philanthropist Byramjee Jeejeebhoy, to have an institution in Poona for training of doctors and providing medical facilities on par with those in Bombay. His generosity and munificence made it possible for the B.J. Medical School to start functioning from 1871 on land donated by him, and when the school was upgraded to the college in 1946, quite filtergly the name was retained. The medical course of MBBS was affiliated to the University of Poona (Pune) in 1949.
Pune had already been blessed by the generous contribution of Sassoon- a Jewish merchant family in the form of the David Sassoon Hospital (Old Sassoon Building) built at a cost of Rs. 213,000 serving the poor and needy from 1867, and the Jacob Sassoon Hospital constructed by his nephew in 1905-06 to relieve the congestion on the David Sassoon Hospital. Both were magnificent buildings, architectural marvels and the clock tower of David Sassoon Hospital, a landmark in the city. The campus had already been blessed by the presence of two great personalities - Avtar Meher Baba was born in the old maternity ward in the hospital, and the father of the nation, Mahatma, Gandhi was operated upon for emergency appendectomy in 1924 by a British Surgeon Col. Murdoch with an Indian anaesthetist Dr. Datey in attendance.
Jai Prakash Narayan Road,
Near Pune Railway Station,
Maharashtra 411001
Phone: 020 2612 8000
Total enrollment: 1,700 (2012)