Camellia School of Business Management, also known as CSBM Kolkata, is located in Kolkata, West Bengal. Established in 2007, the college is managed and run by Camellia Educational and Manpower Development Trust (Camellia Group). The institute is affiliated to West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata. Camellia School of Business Management is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Government of India. Camellia School of Business Management Kolkata teaches its students course in the field of management at the postgraduate level - Master of Business Administration (MBA). The course is of two-year full time durations and offered according to rules and regulations of AICTE. The institute has enough infrastructure to provides various modern facilities to its students
Camellia School of Business Management
Digberia (Babu Road),
Kolkata - 700 129,
West Bengal
Phone: +91-33-6455 1145 / 1146 / 1