Home -> National Law Universities In Uttar Pradesh -> Babu Sunder Singh Institute Of Technology And Management (bssitm) -> Under Graduate Courses -> Babu Sunder Singh Institute Of Technology And Management (bssitm) Mechanical Engineering
Courses Offered


  • Driving Force Towards a Bright Career

    The significance of machine & tools can hardly go unrecognized in the advancement of the world of engineering. Mechanical engineering has been one of the core branches and still influencing major interest among all. Our Mechanical department has the finest laboratories & workshops with high quality equipments. Dedicated faculty who keep a constant track of the trends and development strictly monitor the students and ensure regress training in smithy, carpentry, measurement, testing, machine shop etc.


    Students are trained on lathe machines, milling machines, smithy in the machine shop to be well specialized on the subject.

    Material science & testing

    Various testing machines like Universal testing machine, torsion testing machine, metallurgical microprocessor, impact testing machine

    Applied thermodynamics

    The lab contains working models of various types of engines: including two stroke and four stoke engines (diesel/petrol), Demonstrations are made to make obvious and understand the concepts of refrigeration as well as air conditioning

    Fluid mechanics

    It is a very important lab which helps the students to understand the working of hydro power. The lab contains turbine like pelt on wheels, Francis and Kaplan, reciprocal and centrifugal pumps .