Home -> National Law Universities In Rajasthan -> Northern Institute Of Engineering And Technical Campus -> Under Graduate Courses -> Northern Institute Of Engineering And Technical Campus Elelctrical Engineering
Courses Offered


  • Electrical engineering is concerned with the basic forms of energy that run our world. Whether it`s gas, hydro, turbine, fuel cell, solar, geothermal, or wind energy, electrical engineers deal with distributing these energies from their sources to our homes, factories, offices, hospitals, and schools. Electrical engineering also involves the exciting field of electronics and information technology. 

    • 1. Design and develop more efficient electrical machinery
    • 2. Control Equipment for electricity generation
    • 3. Guide and organize manufacturing, construction, installation, maintenance, support, documentation and testing to assure conformation with specifications, codes and customer requisites.
    • 4. Transmission and distribution of electrical energy