Home -> B Arch Colleges In Andhra Pradesh -> Sar College Of Architecture -> Under Graduate Courses -> Sar College Of Architecture Barc
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  • Architecture is a game of all sorts. No material is Foolproof; No form is perfect, no structure stands forever. Yet the purest and most concentrated essence of something lies here. Is it the air that prowess, its beauty or the earth that defies gravity to hold it or the fire that glows in the night when weere asleep or water that runs through our imagination., believed to be the substance composing all heavily bodies... does architecture defy all these laws to be what it has to be?? Architecture is a blitkrieg.. a constant barrage of people`s interception on what it should have looked like. Some get accepted, others get confirmed into and the rest critized! so what then is the point of all this?? Its passion, its desire; its the quintessence in each of us to complete that masterpiece we are destined to create