Home -> Engineering Colleges In Andhra Pradesh -> Malineni Lakshmaiah Engineering College -> Under Graduate Courses -> Malineni Lakshmaiah Engineering College Electricals And Electronics Engineering
Courses Offered

    Electricals & Electronics Engineering

  • Department Of Electricals & Electronics Engineering The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was Established in the year 1999. The Department offers a four year graduate program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with an annual intake of 60 students. The faculty enlighten the students on conventional areas like generator, allocation, distribution and transition of electricity. A detailed knowledge of electrical networks, electrical energy conventions and equipment that uses electromagnetic field theory and electrical energy distribution system etc.is provided so as to enable the studenDepartment Of Electricals & Electronics Engineering

    The Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering was Established in the year 1999. The Department offers a four year graduate program in Electrical & Electronics Engineering with an annual intake of 60 students. The faculty enlighten the students on conventional areas like generator, allocation, distribution and transition of electricity.

    A detailed knowledge of electrical networks, electrical energy conventions and equipment that uses electromagnetic field theory and electrical energy distribution system etc.is provided so as to enable the students to improve their analytical and logical skills of their domain.ts to improve their analytical and logical skills of their domain.