Home -> National Institute Of Technology -> Nit Durgapur -> Under Graduate Courses -> National Institute Of Technology Durgapur Electronics And Communication Engineering
Courses Offered

    Electronics and Communication Engineering

  • The embryonic formation of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering was in the year 1983 with the introduction of an undergraduate course. Situated amidst lush green campus with teak plantations, the Department, over the time, has grown in several dimensions and provides a magnetic ambience in teaching and learning. Apart from the four years B. Tech course the Department also offers two full time M.Tech courses, one in Telecommunication Engineering and another in Microelectronics and VLSI. The Department also offers PhD in several areas. The faculties are engaged in research in diverse topics focussing in Telecommunication, Antenna and Microwave, Microelectronics and VLSI, Signal and Image processing and Computational Systems Biology. It is well equipped with sophisticated laboratories in the areas of VLSI, Signal Processing, Microwave, Antenna and Wireless Communication. The Department has been supported by, SMDP for VLSI, DST-FIST for Wireless Communications and NPMASS for MEMS Research. Sponsored research from research initiation grant as well as DST and SERB have been initiated over the years. The Department has also received fund from TEQIP for its development. There are a significant number of institute research scholars presently carrying out PhD under the supervision of faculties while several part time research scholars are also registered for the PhD program. A large number of PhD has already been produced by the Department. The research strength has been reflected by quality publications of the Department. Faculties of the Department are involved in outreach activities by organizing several short term courses, workshops. Faculty members also have academic collaborations with Universities in and outside India. The Department is committed to impart quality education at undergraduate as well as postgraduate level and promulgate quality research in diverse fields of application of electronics engineering.