Home -> Engineering Colleges In Andhra Pradesh -> Krishnachaitanya Institute Of Technology And Sciences -> Under Graduate Courses -> Krishnachaitanya Institute Of Technology And Sciences Mechanical Engineering
Courses Offered

    Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Engineering Vision & Mission
    To produce competent mechanical engineers with an interdisciplinary perspective and greater understanding of the impact of technology on society
    1. To create an environment with state of art infrastructure.
    2. To inculcate and nurture the culture of human values to the fullest extent in an attempt not only to make excellent engineers but also make excellent human beings.
    3. Strive to improve educational methods to cope up with academic programs.
    4. To provide extension programs to assist individuals and organizations to find solutions to engineering problems through education, consulting and practical research.
    5. To promote research facilities in the department to enhance the intellectualcapabilities.