Home -> Engineering Colleges In Andhra Pradesh -> Krishnachaitanya Institute Of Technology And Sciences -> Under Graduate Courses -> Krishnachaitanya Institute Of Technology And Sciences Electronics And Communication Engineering
Courses Offered

    Electronics and Communication Engineering

  • Electronics and Communication Engineering Vision & Mission
    To produce globally competitive engineering graduates through high quality education, to instill high standards of ethics and professionalism and to bring out quality research in the frontier areas of Electronics & Communication Engineering.
    To provide quality of education to students
    1. To serve the needs of the society, industry, government and scientific community
    2. To make them ethically strong individuals
    3. To pursue research and new technologies in Electronics & Communication Engineering
    4. Make them to develop real time projects in the campus.
    5. To make them to maintain memberships in various National and International standard organizations like IEEE.
    6. To make them to become advised persons to others.
    7. To make them to reach their goals.

    Short term goals:
    1. To achieve 100% results with more distinctions.
    2. To strengthen the Faculty-Students interaction.
    3. To motivate staff and students towards R & D projects.
    4. To conduct international level workshops and seminars.

    Long term goals:
    1. To secure more University Ranks.
    2. To achieve 100% Placements.
    3. Expansion of educational services in association with National and International institutions and leading industries.
    4. To reach international standards through innovative teaching.