Home -> National Law Universities In West Bengal -> Durgapur Institute Of Advanced Technology And Management -> Under Graduate Courses -> Durgapur Institute Of Advanced Technology And Management Information Technology
Courses Offered


  • The Department of Information Technology at the Durgapur Institute of Advanced Technology & Management was formed in 2002. The first undergraduate batch rolled out in the year 2006. Currently the department has nearly 240 undergraduate students (B.Tech.) with intake 60 students per year. Since its inception, the department has always been recognized all over the world for excellence in research and teaching. The Department provides an outstanding research environment complemented by superior teaching for its students to flourish in. Graduates from the department are heavily recruited by both academia and industry.Software FacilitiesThe department has its own licensed software of various platforms like Windows and Linux. Thesoftware lab has a large number of servers and workstations running various Operating Systems. Allmachines are connected to the Ethernet backbone of DIATM, which is connected to the Internet. TheSoftware Lab can be accessed by the student/faculty and is managed by experienced and dedicatedstaffs.

    List of some licensed software

    1. Windows 2000 Professional

    2. Windows 2000 Server

    3. Windows XP Professional

    4. Red Hat Linux Enterprise Server

    5. Oracle 9i Server

    6. Visual Studio .NET

    7. E-Scan Antivirus