Home -> Engineering Colleges In Assam -> Girijananda Chowdhury Institute Of Management And Technology -> Under Graduate Courses -> Girijananda Chowdhury Institute Of Management And Technology Applied Electronics And Instrumentation
Courses Offered

    Applied Electronics and Instrumentation

  • The Department of Applied Electronics and Instrumentation was started in September 2006. The curriculum with 81 courses/258 credits covers core subjects of basic science, humanities and technology besides vital aspects of electrical engineering, electronics and computer science with particular emphasis on Applied Electronics and Instrumentation. The students enrich their learning experience through practical/Seminars/Industrial Training/Projects. The motto is empowerment through quality education.

    To produce globally competitive engineers and technocrats with concern for the society and environment.

    1. To provide high-quality education along with modern facilities.
    2. To enable the faculty members to achieve the goals of the department.
    3. To encourage research and development activities relevant to the needs of the department and the community in and around the institution.
    4. To promote industry-institution partnership.
    5. To promote a conducive environment in the department so that the students embed professional values and ethical behaviour.