Home -> National Law Universities In Maharashtra -> Babasaheb Naik College Of Engineering -> Under Graduate Courses -> Babasaheb Naik College Of Engineering Computer Science
Courses Offered


  • Department of Computer Science & Engineering is established in 1985. The department offers B.E. and M.E. Computer Science & Engineering programmes with an intake capacity of 120 and 18 respectively.  The department has been twice accredited by NBA, New Delhi and ISO 9001:2008 certified.

    Department is equipped with 12 laboratories having state-of-art equipments such as CISCO Network, IBM Rational Rose, ARM Microcontroller Kits, Component Development Kits and having 360+ latest computers with licence software  and 7 highly configured server systems. The departmental laboratory is recognized for carrying out doctoral research work by SGBAU, Amravati. All class rooms are equipped with the LCD projectors, Computers, Internet and Audio-Visual systems. Department having a separate library enhanced with educational audio-videos technical CDs, advance technological books and magazines. Department organizes various training programs and event to bridge technological gap between curriculum and recent developments in industries.

    Total No. of Laboratories

    Rs. 15057919/-

    No. of Faculty


    No. of Supporting Staff


    Ph.D Seats


    P.G. Seats


    U.G. Seats


    To provide quality, state-of-the art technical education that satisfies the nation’s requirement of excellent technical manpower in the ever-changing field of Computer Science and Engineering.
    To improve continually our teaching- learning process, create stimulating environment and enhance research activities  in Computer Science and Engineering field to satisfy  needs of students, industries and society and establish as centre of excellence.